This story begins with a cat named Maynard. The reason why is this ….had Maynard not been so vain that he needed to pose for every photo Gary Oliver took many years ago, Gary's idea to start an Animal Talent Agency, which evolved in to the Urban Safari today, would not have happened.

So here is to Maynard!

Maynard the Cat

Now meet Gary Oliver founder of Urban Safari Rescue Society. Whom has been doing this in some form or another or over 28 years. 

Gary Oliver

 I had met Gary over 20 years ago when he owned Cinemazoo, the first Vancouver based Animal Talent Agency. Many of the animals you have seen in movies have been supplied by Gary Oliver

I volunteered for him for a year or so, helping out with various projects. By that time Cinemazoo had expanded in to many different directions. One of my favorite duties as a volunteer was to help him bring the animals, reptiles and insects in to the schools for presentations. This was to teach kids (and the adults) about these creatures and their habitats, as well to educate them why they do not make great pets. My least favorite job was cleaning the cages, but hey, some one had to do it.

I eventually had to give up my volunteer position and lost contact with what Gary was doing. So I was very happy to find out recently that he has evolved Cinemazoo in to Urban Safari Rescue Society.

Here is part of how that happened.
I know Gary struggled for many years with the many challenges and obstacles of the exotic animal industry as well as the movie industry. There were many times he was ready to throw in the towel. But luckily for Gary a new colleague was to become his right hand man, or in this case, right hand woman.
Sharon was a very successful photo journalist Canada wide for almost 30 years. After meeting Gary years ago, she became fascinated with his work as well as his ability to create media buzz around what he was doing. She would oten write about his projects on the side and soon a friendship began to form. It was a few years later that events in both of their lives drew them together as business colleagues to expand and run Cinemazoo together which eventually branched of in to Urban Safari.
Rabbit Town

Although Gary sold Cinemazoo about 5 years ago, he has kept the contract with the School Board and continues to do presentations with the animals. Since 2007 Urban Safari has been a Non-profit, Sanctuary taking in animals and reptiles that can no longer be cared for. They also have a big focus on education and conservation, and these presentations in the Schools and various other locations help to educate the public on the risks for these animals when they are bred for pets.

Unfortunately, there is an problem of irresponsible breeding, with individuals breeding in their basements illegally, and too many people buying these animals with little knowledge of how to care for them. Later having to surrender them to Sanctuaries such as Gary's 


In fact all of the animals at Urban Safari have been dropped off or donated to Gary for him to care for. So many animals are dropped of for Gary that they are now full and no longer able to accept more. This is due to the lack of education regarding exotic animals and their care. As well as the lack of regulations in the sales or exotic animals.

Most of the animals and reptiles at Urban Safari will live out their lives there, being cared for by the staff and volunteers. However some of the animals at Urban Safari are adoptable, after a very strict screening process to insure the animals will be cared for properly. The staff are highly conscientious on who is allowed to adopt these animals. 

Over the years this non profit Sanctuary has grown immensely and has evolved in to positive pillar for the community. Offering many programs and events. Such as:
Tours – Join tours in the facilities for an informative look at 360 plus rescued and surrendered exotic animals covering over 160 species
Presentations,- bringing animals to students in an hour long presentation of exotic animals – insects – arachnids – amphibians – reptiles – small mammals.
Summer camps - Focusing on basic animal groups and everyday exploring a different animal family.
The nature club - The Nature Club is a unique learning experience for kids aged 6 to 12 yrs. old who want to learn about animals of all kinds.
Sponsorship programs - Your sponsorship helps with the daily care, vet care, and food for the animal. You can pick the animal you wish to sponsor.
Junior zoo keeping course.- The course covers topics such as pest control, animal husbandry, safety while working with animals, animal characteristics and animal behaviours. The many possible careers working with animals is also covered in the course, the purpose of zoos, rescue centers, and conservation groups. 
How do they manage all that?
“It's not glamorous” says Sharon “It's a lot of hard work.”
This is where volunteers come in. With out the help of volunteers, the small staff at Urban Safari would be over loaded. Luckily they do have many who find them on their own and they are able to recruit some from the presentations, and fairs that they attend. What's nice about their volunteer program is that it has very little restrictions and they allow for flexibility.
You must be at least 16 years old and they ask that you stay a minimum of 2 hours then you gradually work up in experience. Most beginning shifts would be general cleaning, working up to feeding the animals. Even some opportunities to help with events and fund raising.
And hey, if feeding snakes and tarantulas is just not your thing, have no fear! This job is for staff members only. Yes I checked!
Built by Home Depot

Over the years Urban Safari has had support from many other organizations, as you can see here from this outdoor enclosure for the turtles, supplied and built by Home Depot. They also partner with local sanctuaries, sharing food and resources. It takes a lot of work to run a big organization such as Urban Safari. Gary has been very fortunate with his connections through the industry as well as the artists community to have people donate time, resources, and ideas in order to keep his dream alive. It's not hard to see why people believe in his vision. Not only has he created something that no one had thought of before or thought possible, but now his hope is to expand the sanctuary even more. 

His dream for the future is to develop Urban Safari in to an Ecology Center focusing on education and conservation. His goal is to teach people about these wonderful creatures through hands on and up close education. 

"I have always loved animals and reptiles and insects" says Gary "And then the day I actually get to see them up close, I have a whole different out look and want to really help them then."

Gary's Library
If you doubt Gary's passion for animals and conservation, just take a look at these books he has collected over the years to educate himself on the subjects. This is also just one wall of a big library. 
Gary's collection

He has also collected some very unique peices of art and furniture and knick knacks over the years which blend his love of art and animals. I was fortunate enough to be given a tour of the warehouse where they store old equiptment, and up above an artist studio with these very fabulous collectors items. He could quite possibly open a museum if he ever chose to. And it wouldn't surprise me if he did in the future. With his unique vision of the world he has managed to create something quite special, blending art, animals, conservation, with many unique characters along the way supporting and teaming up with him 

Sharon shares her experience of changing a career of almost 30 years to work with Gary. " It was a completely new experience, everything changed from a new career, and new working environment and it is a very unique working atmosphere, I'll just leave it at that. I am constantly learning every day. Whether it is about running a Non Profit Charity, or learning about the animals, or about nature, and even about public relations."

What I can say about my day at Urban Safari Rescue Society is that I believe in what they are doing, and they seem to move forward in very unique ways to bring public awareness to so many different communities. They make learning a lot of fun, and if you have the fortune to chat with either Gary or Sharon they both have some interesting stories to share. 

This place is a little hidden gem that many miss, so I do hope you take the opportunity to go and spend some time there, getting involved or just visiting.

Till Next time!

Want to learn more about Urban Safari?

They are located at 1395 176th Street, Surrey, BC
Click the links below or more info. 


Urban Safari Website

Learn more about the programs and events offered. 


Gary's book on amazon

I you find Gary's story fascinating, you can read more about it here. 


Volunteer Program

Learn more about the volunteer program. 


Urban Safari on facebook 

Connect with them on facebook

CAROL WATERS has a passion for building community, and continues to engage and connect people through food, the environment and various community events. She teaches yoga and self healing workshops in studios and rehabilitation centers in her area.
In her free time you will see her spending time in nature with friends and creating new healthy and delicious. recipies in her kitchen. 


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