Re-wilding through movement and connection in nature

You can benefit from re-wilding if you....
-  feel the world is moving too fast for you and you find yourself overwhelmed easily
- suffer from poor sleep cycles
- feel a deep sense of disconnection in your life
- are missing a sense of aliveness
- are plagued with brain fog and feeling disoriented through out the day
- are suffering from fatigue , or low energy
- regularly deal with anxiety or depression

Rewilding means to return to a more wild or natural state. When we are not in our natural states we lose our connection to our natural cycles and natural instincts, resulting in a loss in health and vibrancy.  Rewilding encourages the development of the senses and fostering deeper personal relationship with the natural world. It is considered a holistic approach to living.
The benefits of spending time in, and building a deeper relationship with nature are many,
-  immune boosting chemicals released in to the air from the plants. 
- the calming effect of syncing our nervous system with the natural rhythms of nature
- the fresh air of the forest to help clear the lungs and oxygenate the blood
- understanding ourselves better by building better relationships with the plants and animals
- building greater self confidence by developing our 5 senses
- learning to shut out the outer world and connect to our intuition

Through these re-wilding sessions, I will be offering full day nature immersions on Saturdays for those that want to immerse themselves in the natural world and learn skills to strengthen their senses. 
To learn more about the weekend Nature Immersions....CLICK HERE



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