Dyad Meditation Workshops

The structure of a Dyad is very simple, the tasks are clear, and that reduces complexity, creates the feeling of safety and gives space to whatever wants to unfold. We need this safe space in order to open up to our vulnerability and pain, but also to our resources of joy, pleasure and truthfulness.

A Dyad is an invitation to explore and show yourself, to see and to be seen.
The role of the witness in a Dyad is to listen with compassion and to practice non judgmental listening and acceptance. What resists persists. As the one who is inquiring, we learn that in the presence of the other we can experience radical acceptance. We don’t only imagine being compassionate with someone else like we do in a Metta Meditation, but we literally practice loving kindness.

In a Dyad we seek a genuine experience of truth, to step into our higher self, connect with our purpose and gain access to the so called inner guidance, the wisdom that we are all connected. That may sound esoteric, a thing that’s unprovable, but it is not.

With the help of its clear structure, the presence of a witness and the inquiry question, a dyad is an intentional space between two strangers. To be received and understood by the other creates intimacy and trust that helps to open up and express our truth. It invites our most vulnerable and precious aspects to show up so that the intensity of our human existence can be expressed. Being received unconditionally is a huge gift that we can offer to one another. We become teachers, Gurus, to ourselves and to one another.

Dyads will be offered monthly. Please join the email list to stay informed of events. Dates and times will also be posted on the Events page.



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